Beulah Imogene (Shewmaker) McGan

May 4, 1924December 6, 2005

(Photo taken Thanksgiving – November 24, 2005)


Beulah Imogene McGan was born on May 4, 1924, in the Hicks Branch Community of Hardin County, Illinois.  She departed this life, for a far greater eternal one, on December 6, 2005, at St. Mary’s Hospital, in Evansville, Indiana.

Beulah was the youngest child of James A. and Sadie (Hicks) Shewmaker, who preceded her in death.  Also preceding her in death were her sisters, Robbie Owen, Ruby Smith, Vera Shewmaker, and a brother, James Shewmaker.  She is survived by a sister, Marie Bryan, of Harrisburg, Illinois.

Beulah attended elementary school at Hicks Branch School, and graduated from Harrisburg High School, Class of 1942.  She then supported the World War II effort by working as a “Rosie The Riveter” in a defense plant in Evansville, Indiana.  It was there that she met the man who would become the love of her life for over 61 years.

Beulah is survived by Edward McGan, whom she married in Pankeyville, Illinois, on August 5, 1944.  After Edward’s commitment of service in the Army Air Corp ended, he and Beulah returned to southern Illinois and soon moved to the family homestead, where Beulah had been born, and where she and Edward have lived for over 58 years.

To this union were born two children, David Edward, of Corydon, Kentucky, and Linda Jean, of Herod, Illinois, who are the proud recipients of the legacy that Beulah has left.

Beulah professed faith in Jesus Christ at an early age at Bethany (Hicks Branch) General Baptist Church, where she attended for many years.  For the last 25 years, she faithfully attended Buena Vista Community Church in Harrisburg, and more recently had also regularly attended Sunday night worship services at Good Hope General Baptist Church.

Even as her mind became clouded by Alzheimer’s Disease, Beulah continued to always have a smile on her face, a sweet disposition, and a loving heart.  And she could still sing the old hymns of the church, word for word, from memory.  But her love for and commitment to Edward and Jesus never wavered throughout this time.

Beulah also especially loved to watch Southern Gospel videos and to attend Gospel singings, especially to hear the Echoes from Calvary, of which her son, David, has been a member for over 34 years.

In their later years of retirement, Beulah and Edward were always seen together, and were frequently seen as they drove down country roads, enjoying the Hardin County scenery they loved so much, and determining how many deer they might see on any one day.

Some people strive to leave a legacy of monetary wealth or material possessions.  Beulah, however, has left a far greater legacy – of an exemplary life, filled with Love for her family, her friends, and her God.  Most of you attending this service today have also been fortunate to have been touched in some way by that most valuable Legacy.


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