A Tribute

by Butch Gowins



Butch Gowins, a long-time friend, pastor of the First Apostolic Church in Rosiclare, Illinois, and a participant in Mom & Dad’s funerals, e-mailed me his thoughts about Mom & Dad and how their lives had touch his.


April 23, 2006


David, I am looking at the web site with tears streaming down my face.  Those tears are not because of sorrow and the loss of two special people,(and indeed they were special).  But the tears are because of memories.  It is a shame that time and circumstances sometimes cause us to not express what our hearts feel until it is too late.  Your dad and mother were two of the greatest people I have ever known.  They showed the world what true love was all about.  Not only that,  I want to try and tell you how much I appreciate you and Linda.  I remember telling you at the funeral that we needed to get together.  I really mean that.  As I get older I appreciate the worth of friends.  And I am glad that I have both you and Linda as precious friends.  Again, words can not accurately express my feelings for your parents.  The best I could ever say is:  "Oh that our world had more Ed's and Beulah's"  It would be a much better place.   God bless and Love to both you and Linda



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