A Tribute

by Greg Englebright



I received an e-mail from a childhood friend, Greg Englebright, upon his hearing of Mom & Dad’s passing.  Greg’s parents, Ross and Frances Englebright, moved to Herod from Carmi, Illinois, and ran the general store there for a number of years.  Mom worked for them as a clerk for a time. 

Although Greg and I went to different schools (I in Hardin County and Greg in Pope County), we were “best friends” during our formative years and enjoyed many good times together, listening to the Beach Boys records, building tree houses, hunting….

Ross and Frances eventually moved back to Carmi when they retired, but Greg remained behind, living with Mom & Dad for several months until he finished high school at Pope County.

With his permission, I share his thoughts….


March 1, 2006



     I received word today of "Mom and Dad’s" passing.  As you know, your parents were very special to me, and quite an inspiration in my life.  I don't know if you are aware or not, it was because of them I came to know Jesus as my savior.  When we were 12, they carried us to bible school at the little Baptist church by the store and there I met Jesus.  I strayed far and wide over the years, but through His promise to never leave me (and He didn't) and the Holy Sprit beating me up when I strayed, my entire household is saved and serving Him.

     David, every word you and Linda have in print about them is true and correct.  Always smiling, always encouraging, never complaining, never condemning, always loving and always lifting up Jesus.  You have every right to be proud of the legacy they left.  I was sad when Frances passed on 12 December 2002, but took comfort knowing she would be with Jesus that Christmas.  This year all four of our parents sat with Jesus and talked about "their kids" and how pleased they are with how we turned out.

God Bless

Greg Englebright


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