Those Sending Sympathy Cards

(some sent more than one card, at the passing of each of our parents)



Both Linda and I received a large number of cards, many with personal notes, expressing sympathies of the senders.  Although most of them were addressed to and received by one of us individually, we know that the sentiments expressed were meant equally for us both.  And we also want everyone to know that your thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement were very much felt and appreciated.


Received by Linda

Received by David


Jim & Carolyn Raley

Anita Gray Nenonen

Sharon Wiesemann

Kenneth & Dorothy Pool

Julie Rash

Muriel Harris

Jennifer Lane

Ed & Kay Lafferty

Heather Rash

Kermit & Debbie Albin

Lucyella Foster

Dwight & Sandy Chapman

Karen Gasaway

Ken  & Lois Jones

Janie Parker

Steve & Julie Dunn, Jessica & Sarah

Peggy Hogg

Bruce & Nora Kahler

Eric & Sherry Livingston

Bill & Nina Ferrell

Freda Seiner

Bruzz & Mary Shaw

Jim & Patty Ledbetter

Peggy Austin

Sally Ramsey

Don & Arvetta Rose

David & Joyce Robinson

Bill & Shirley Turner

Janice Ozment

Kent & Jamie Wilhelmus

Kathy Johnston

Pam Pease

John & Pat English

Bradley & Loni Banks & Calen

Lida Schork

Bob & Joan Perry

Gerry & Sharon Reed

Debbie Folz and ICU Stepdown unit staff

Virginia Hyers

Ladon & Midge Littrell

Dorris & Sharon Thomas & family

Becky Martin

Glen & Regina Austin

Jeff & Sandy Arns

Marti Hoofer & family

Dr. Eladio and Mellie Chatto

Charles & Linda Jackson

Mike & Stella Hodel

Head Start Staff of Hardin County

Courtney & Susan Pohl

Jeff, Donna, Erin, & Megan Smith

Terry & Jean Pruvost

Ercell Rumsey &Delores Vick

Bob & Marge Trenbeath

Teddy & Judy Henderson & sons

Gary & Sherri Gross

Dr. Loren Wilson & staff

Dave & Wanda Fagenbaum

Betty Mazikas

Jeanne Angermeier

Lucille Kaegi

Angie Garrett

Bob, Judy & Ronnie Birge

Harvey & Verna Yoder

Integra Bank

Ruth Rutherford

Berlie & Gusta Winders

Samuel & Anna Yoder & Kathryn

Benna Daugherty

Milo Yoder and family

Val & Shirley Oshel

Betsy Embry

Catherine McDowell

Romaine Short

Bobbie & Jean Wilhelmus

Mark, SanDee, Clyde, April, & Susan Williams

Joe & Patsy Ledbetter

Miss Mary Pearson

Doris L. Anderson, Bill, Betty & Bob and families

Albert Joiner

Kenneth and Gaynelle Smith

Malcolm & Lynda Moore

Rosi Griffin

Jack & Oveta Daymon

Amos & Wilma Mast

Joseph & Dorothy Mast, Ivan, Verna, & Emma

Jean Martin

Betty Williams

Jackie Frailey

First Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, IL

Dave & Kelly Clark, Nathan, & Jacob


Bobbie Wilhelmus

Joyce & Kenny Knight

Ruby Dungan

Ira & Mary Hallmark

Steve, Julie, Jessica & Sarah Dunn

Norwood & Brenda Fedie

Jeff & Wanda Donithan

Nancy Pippin

Betty Jo Edds

Gary & Tammy Adkerson

Glen & Vicki Windstead

Jack & Joan McDonald

Karen Stinson

Deacons of Immanuel Baptist Temple, Henderson

Congregation of Immanuel Baptist Temple, Henderson

Talbert & Kathy Strange

Staff at First United Methodist Church, Henderson

Danny & Cyndy Garrett

Ralph & Maxine Boyd

Dorris & Sharon Thomas

Gerry & Sharon (Winders) Reed

Debby Alexander

Terry & Jenny Clark

Terry & Janie Morris

Nancy Kazee

J & Teresia Husk

Minnie Johnson

Rita Meuth

Delilah Cobb

Dr. Mark Moats, DMD & Staff

Garland & Mary Brown

Sally Waller

Kenneth & Betty Elliott

Carolyn Rudiger

Lois Morrow

Felton & Janice Hulsey, Mylon & Tiffany Hulsey

Bob & Nancy Clark

Larry & Betty Koerber

Alan & Barbara Holeman

Sam Newman & IBT Choir