Workshop Testimonials |
4-Hour Lean Overview Workshop Non-Profit Healthcare Agency - “I was
amazed at how simple it was for me to take the same techniques presented in
the MBS Lean Overview workshop and immediately start seeing how I could use
the methodology in our own healthcare process at Matthew 25. “The major
thing that resonated with me was the importance to actually set aside time to
observe the processes that exist in our operation. In doing so, I saw right away that we
had a clinic nurse office location that required too many steps in between
patients and that the nurse was responsible for maintaining the flow of the
clinic; yet she was located in a place that rendered her blind to the hallway
where all the flow of patients occurred!
Easy fix…we moved rooms around… no cost! “We have
also started observation and discussion about how many copies we make of one
document to ensure that everyone who needs to see the information would have
it. What we are working towards is just routing the piece of paper. One person can get the info they need,
initial that they have seen it, and then pass it one -- Saving paper and
keeping the shredding bill at a minimum.” Cyndee Burton Matthew 25
AIDS Services Administrator |
1-Hour 5S Mini-workshop Chamber of Commerce Office - "In just
a single one-hour seminar, Dave McGan was able to
show us how to consolidate, reposition and streamline some of our office functions
so that we could be more productive. He also showed us how to think in ways
that enable us to be our own efficiency experts. So, not only did he feed us,
he also taught us how to fish. That's value-added consulting. "Dave's
homey, engaging style makes learning fun. But don't let the 'aw, shucks'
demeanor mislead you. Dave has nearly four decades of experience in
industrial quality control, and he is an authority on Lean Manufacturing
practices. He also understands how to make complex ideas easier to understand
and apply. Businesses of any size or variety can benefit from Dave's
knowledge. I highly recommend allowing Dave to share his insight and
expertise with your organization." Brad Schneider President |
Your business can have similar results in process
efficiency improvements or cost savings. Contact MBS to inquire about the services we offer, or to discuss
hosting a Lean Overview workshop, a 5S mini-workshop, or any of our
interactive learning workshop opportunities at your location. Email: info@mcgangroup.com or call 270-823-2831 |