The Home Page
David McGan

Greetings and Salutations....


A Little About Me....

I reside in Corydon, Kentucky since 1979, with my wife, Mary Jane.  I served for 48 years as pianist and/or vocalist for "the Echoes from Calvary" Southern Gospel trio, which was based in Golconda, Illinois. The group last performed in November, 2019.  But you can check an example of our archived schedule

I am currently working as a consultant in the areas of Lean Management methods or Quality-related development and improvement.  Take a look at my company’s website -- McGan Business Solutions -- for more information.  If you know of someone who would benefit from my services, send them my way!

My work background consists of almost 36 years at Gibbs Die Casting Corporation in Henderson, Kentucky, I retired as of July 6, 2008, where I was Quality Systems Manager and "Lean Guru."

Springtime At Home  – a few colorful photos of Spring 2008 blooms.

Patriotic Tessa

Patriotic Tessa


Tessa, my Maltese who lived with me since her  8-week old puppy days, died on January 28, 2013, at the age of 16-1/2 years.  She was a joy to have around, and we miss her terribly.  But she has left many good memories for us to cherish.

Tessa’s Story



Major Life-Changing Events In My Life

A Memorial for My Parents –

Edward & Beulah McGan

A Covenant Interrupted…

A New Life Begins.

My parents were involved in a one-vehicle accident on December 3, 2005.  My mother, Beulah, died on December 6, 2005, from the injuries she received.  She was a special lady – and that’s not just something said by a proud son; everyone who knew her – everyone – would readily agree to that statement.

My father, Edward, remained in ICU and ICU-Stepdown for another 18 days, but once he understood that Mom had died, his condition worsened very quickly, and he died on Christmas Eve, December 24th, 2005.

Our parents were very special people.

Eulogies, the funeral message, and other information are found at my

 Memorial link.

December of 2004 brought a major, life-altering event to my life.  But through the entire period, God’s Grace was never more evident or real to me.

I invite you to read about how “God Already Knew” and took what I initially viewed as a tragic event (which it indeed was), and wove the Silver Linings of this very dark cloud into a beautiful tapestry that I could have not imagined.

To God be the Glory.

God Already Knew


"Other Miscellaneous Stuff" page.

GERMANY TRAVELOGUE You can read all about my "Germany Travelogue" and take a virtual tour of Southwestern Germany, circa 1998.  (The file may take some time to load, as the Travelogue includes a number of photos taken during my and my former wife’s visit).

GENEALOGY PAGE -- Although it's very brief, the McGan Genealogy Page is available for view.  There may be a few items of interest here.  Check it out and if you have any information, be sure to get with me via the link on the page.

Other Hot Links

Gibbs Die Casting Corporation

Echoes from Calvary Quartet Schedule

Echoes From Calvary Quartet (Photo - Overview)

Misc. Southern Gospel Music Related Sites

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(Last Updated – November 28, 2022)
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

This site created May 12, 1998